Game 54053: RABID, Chris1977, xeno, robsraiders in 'SNAFU: Moonbase Assault'
You are here: Stellar Forces > Your Games > Game 54053: RABID, Chris1977, xeno, robsraiders in 'SNAFU: Moonbase Assault'
- @Steve
Mission going well for a change, haven't played it for years as usually someone joins and just starts shooting people! But I have noticed the team colours are different to what it says they should be in the game/map file. Posted by
xeno 121 days ago [Login to reply]
- You'll have to give me more details. Which colours are different to which colours exactly? Do you mean the strategic scanner on the website and the colour key below it?
Posted by
SteveSmith 121 days ago [Login to reply]
- Yes the strategic scanner and mission map. My colour is yellow in the game yet is says blue on the above. So that means at least one other is wrong.
Posted by
xeno 121 days ago [Login to reply]
- Someone did just start shooting people, xeno...they simply weren't your people...
(I'm not exactly giving much away here - my unit are all dead and the game hasn't finished yet, ergo said units can't have been the agents.) Posted by
Chris1977 105 days ago [Login to reply]
- Oh right, well I have been shooting the person who was shooting at me but he was also destroying the computers so assumed they were the saboteur team. Yes, I have given away that I'm not, but then I have one badly injured unit so not going to win this unless the others remaining kill each other.
Posted by
xeno 104 days ago [Login to reply]
- Hold on, trying to read between the lines here, it seems you are indicating perhaps you were the secret team?
Posted by
xeno 104 days ago [Login to reply]
- I wish! That would have meant whoever gunned down three of my guys before they'd even had chance to move was a clairvoyant genius, instead of...whatever they are...
Posted by
Chris1977 104 days ago [Login to reply]
- So xeno was the saboteur! I?ll be honest, SNAFU games confuse me. How do you know if you are the saboteur?
Posted by
RABID 103 days ago [Login to reply]
- The Details screen, I think (under the "This is a SNAFU mission!" text).
Posted by
Chris1977 103 days ago [Login to reply]
- WTF. Really? I looked and I couldn't see anything telling me that I was. All I know is that Robsraiders chap just started shooting my units. He must had some inside information or just went postal.
Posted by
xeno 102 days ago [Login to reply]
- I've no fkn clue how snafu works as it doesn't tell me jack shit on my screen... if your tge agent surely you'd know?
- Most of the information regarding Snafu missions is found on the website: when viewing the game map, there's a small question mark next to "This is a SNAFU mission" which, when clicked on, will give more info about how it works. There's also the mission description at . I think it tells you if you're the saboteurs when it shows the mission description on the app. Let me know if you have any specific questions and I'll do my best to answer them.
Posted by
SteveSmith 102 days ago [Login to reply]