If I was building a base to protect valuable information, I don't think I would have 8 different unlocked access doors into the base, 2 different unlocked doors into the computer room, no scanners, no cameras, and no scanners. :D
Joking aside, do any of the scenarios have windows, or locked doors? Or scanners/cameras? Cameras could let you look at the unit like normal, scanners would just give you a blip.
Defend the Base vs Superhumans might benefit from the defenders having a scanner that can spot blobs of the attackers even if they have not been sighted.
Also, in this scenario, it says 'Grenades' are banned, but Incendiary Grenades are wllowed. Is that intentional? They are not the best offensive grenades but they are better than nothing.
If the reason for banning grenades was that destroying walls made the game to easy for the attacker, wouldn't it be easier to just to mark the walls (and maybe doors?) as indestructible?
Although I can also see that with their super high AP totals, giving grenades to the Superhumans could make this scenario even more one sided.
Even if the walls were solid, the doors aren't (and that's not changeable). I have a distinct memory of a game where the player rushing in the first door and then threw two grenades in; the first one destroyed the inner door and the the second destroyed the computer, and they won very quickly. Once this tactic was discovered I had to ban them.