Well, that game racked up an impressive body count mighty quick! Sorry, but I have to ask about the username...would you happen to be someone who used to play SF a lot and who is now returning to the fold "en francais"...?
Alors, oui, c'est moi monsieurs! Je suis revenu! Yes, I couldn't log in any more with my old account and I'm not sure Steve's support email works. Dunno why I couldn't log in, my password hadn't changed or anything.
Happy to have a tete a tete game Chris! Or rematch or whatnot.
Content de te revoir! The "new" support email should work (stephen.carlylesmith@googlemail.com). The old one stopped working (the one with @stellarforces.com) and I can't work out how to set it up.
Posted by SteveSmith 122 days ago [Login to reply]