Looking back over the video one always sees things that could have been done differently, my feints would perhaps have been better if followed through. I did wonder why that wall up the top had exploded a few times with Sterner's potshots, that explains it
As you said, though, it's REALLY tough to win this one as the Army. @SteveSmith, might it be worth looking into evening things up a bit more via a tweak to relative unit numbers, credits/unit stats, parameters for a Sterner win, that kind of thing?
Can do. According to the stats, the army have only won 25% of the last 12 games. Any specific suggestions? Shall I increase Army creds from 200 to, say, 220 or more?
Posted by SteveSmith 112 days ago [Login to reply]
220 would probably help even it up a little. Maybe this mission should just be a little harder for the army to win in any case?
The advantage the army has is that they can focus all 6 on one spot whereas Sterner's gang of 8 have to cover 4 spots. The extra credits would provide more armour/firepower for the army, so could help even it up enough. Though I personally don't tend to focus all 6 on one spot. That's my tuppence worth anyway :-)
Both of those changes have now been made. I noticed that in my notes, in 2013 I reduced army creds from 240 to 200, so presumably it was too easy for the army back then.
Posted by SteveSmith 112 days ago [Login to reply]
Thanks Steve. :-)
I guess it can always be changed back again if it then becomes too easy for the army once more! @Le Chat de Henri, are you up for a few more rounds of this in Practice to test the new match-up? It's my turn with the Army if so...