Ah, I was wondering, as I still seemed to be getting 25 VPs per kill. Shall we mutually concede, then? And then can you look into this again, @SteveSmith? Ta.
All very odd! I certainly didn't deserve to win after Vomit disgraced himself so utterly! Just one shot on-target would have finished things off nicely, by the sound of things; instead, one of them sailed over your guy's left shoulder and hit one of mine who was standing behind him...
Yes, it's still 25 VPs per kill. I didn't change that, I only changed the VPs for escaping. Does it need changing to make things work correctly? I haven't played this mission myself for a long time.
Posted by SteveSmith 107 days ago [Login to reply]
If I recall correctly it's always been you need minimum 3 to escape to win. For Sterner's gang that would mean killing 4 would mean victory, as the other side could therefore not be able to escape with 3 any more.
I think we were discussing changing the number needed to escape for victory - changing from 3 to 2. Though I think that might swing it too far in favour of the army. I don't mind trying it though. But of course the victory conditions would need adjusting for both sides.
I'll changed it to 50 VPs per escapee and (how about) 34 VPs for killing an army member. So the army needs 2 units to escape, and Sterner's gang need to kill 3. How does that sound?
Posted by SteveSmith 106 days ago [Login to reply]
Posted by SteveSmith 104 days ago [Login to reply]
Sorry, I thought you'd already made it, Steve! Le Chat, shall I cancel the one we have set up, in that case, since we haven't really got going with it yet, and set up another?