At the moment, the league tables are weight in favour of people who have only played say, one game and won it, so they have 100% record and no incentive to play another one. Any suggestions on how to tweak this?
Posted by SteveSmith 15 years ago [Login to reply]
A point system would probably be best. Point for playing a game and losing, two points for a draw, and 5 for a win. Someone could sit on 100% win percentage, but they will be passed by even crappy active players. :)
Posted by CornMaster 15 years ago [Login to reply]
That's a great idea - I don't know why I didn't think of it myself!
Posted by SteveSmith 15 years ago [Login to reply]
Just added this now. The tables look a lot fairer now. I'm afraid you're only the third best player though. ;)
Posted by SteveSmith 15 years ago [Login to reply]
Taking a look at the games table I think it is missing some data. 1980-20.. and I have a drawn game that is not shown. Also you're not leading the table, but thats ok. :)
Well spotted, I was forgetting to incorporate draws in the overall table. Fixed now, and you're top!
Posted by SteveSmith 15 years ago [Login to reply]
I might tweak it again. I think the table is too weighted towards people who have played the most games now. Maybe losing a game should deduct points?
Posted by SteveSmith 15 years ago [Login to reply]
I wouldn't deduct points but you could do what quake live does. By default, the stats only show the last 30 days (or you could do calendar months). You can change it to career, but by default only shows you the month. That way you are capturing the status of active players and not old stagnant players (although their legacy is still available in the career stats).
Posted by CornMaster 15 years ago [Login to reply]
Posted by CornMaster 15 years ago [Login to reply]
Fair enough, I won't deduct points, but I think I'm going to stop it giving a point for playing a game (since that automatically gives an advantage to the players with the most games) and reduce the others to 1 point for a draw and 3 for a win. I think I'll also restrict it to games within the last 30 days later on.
Posted by SteveSmith 15 years ago [Login to reply]
You could also go in the direction of a ranking system, instead of a point system. Similar to what they use in chess where your points are determined by the points of other players you play, and the outcome of that game.
I can dig up more info if you don't know what I'm talking about.
Posted by CornMaster 15 years ago [Login to reply]
I think I know what you mean, but I'd need some more specific information like how it's all calculated. Is there a wikipedia page on it?
Posted by SteveSmith 15 years ago [Login to reply]
I may have missed something but draws seem to be missing from the table again.
It only takes into account games during the last 30 days. Your draw against victor has just fallen outside that. Having said that, I'm using the date the game was started, when I should be using the date it ended. It will be fixed in a few hours. Well spotted!
Posted by SteveSmith 15 years ago [Login to reply]
Posted by CornMaster 15 years ago [Login to reply]
Thanks. It looks a bit complicated - it might take me a while to work it out.
Posted by SteveSmith 15 years ago [Login to reply]
Yeah..quite complicated. You might want to do something similar, but dumb it down a bit ;). Although, once you figure out the formula, shouldn't be too tough to implement.
Posted by CornMaster 15 years ago [Login to reply]
Please arrange fastest player league table. 99% players are inactive.
If you go the bottom of this page: it will show you the fastest players. Unfortunately, a lot of players try the game for the first time and decide it's not for them, so they disappear.
Posted by Jakethegreat 7 years ago [Login to reply]
There's no actual campaign going on at the moment, so it's not currently possible. I can start another campaign, if there's enough appetite for it from other players.